Rodrigo Brito

Rodrigo Brito

Rodrigo Brito é estudante de Sistemas de Informação do IFMG, atua nas áreas de desenvolvimento web como programador Full Stack. Entusiasta de projetos open source e um grande amante de tecnologia. Desenvolvedor WordPress desde 2011, quando descobriu e se apaixonou por esta majestosa plataforma.


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Sobre Marlon Amâncio

Hello! My name is Marlon Amâncio, a specialist in web design and development with a particular focus on WordPress. I help small and medium-sized businesses achieve better results on the web through attractive, fast, and conversion-focused websites. I am a speaker and co-organizer in the WordPress community of Belo Horizonte. I also assist those looking to professionalize and earn money with website creation through my YouTube channel: Want to increase your company's results on the web or make money with website creation? Let's talk!